Pokhara: After a successful step of putting GPS in city buses of Pokhara, A joint venture of Pokhara-Lekhnath Metropolitan and Google is going to plot potholes in Google maps under Smart City Yojana. As our city streets are loaded with potholes and their history demonstrates they stay open for a considerable length of time without getting any consideration from metro organizations, Google needs to "utilize" them for availing individuals to transport from one place to other.

In next adaptation of Google maps, the area of potholes will appear, the course would be given to individuals keeping the area of the pothole as a reference.

While addressing us on this new element, Google Nepal head, Ram Chandra Pidit verbally expressed, "We did an examination in Pokhara. The prodigious majority of the city open face two issues, one is public movements like rallies and second is the means by which to travel between different points point in the most proficient way. On movements thing, we educated individuals in Pokhara to check the activity thickness in the application afore they commence. ".

"Be that as it may, the other issue is, the more preponderant part of the streets are one-ways and activity police continually redirect individuals because of some VVIP visit or street repair work. Individuals incline to take longer course regardless of the possibility that they are loaded with movement as they feel these are the well-known streets they have to take to achieve their goal. What the new application will do is to open up fresher alternatives. It will give you exact data, as after that enormous pothole, take right or you will see eight potholes of least 1-meter distance across, at that point, you have to take left", said Mr. Pidit.

Mr. Pidit said nothing is consistent in life. "In spite of the fact that conclusion of potholes transpires once in a while, new ones are made regardless of the possibility that there is 0.2mm of rain. There would be an ongoing refresh of the application from satellite pictures. Along these lines, workers require not stress. In the event that a range has more potholes, the application will help giving better way", said Mr. Ram Chandra.

Because of conflicting precipitation in different components of the city, now Katmandu has ventured out in front of Pokhara regarding number of potholes. After successful use in Pokhara, we will use this technology in Kathmandu no sooner. Also, we want to thank Mr. K.P Oli for his futuristic idea and mayors of Kathmandu and Pokhara for their kind support." said Mr. Pidit addressing our local journalist Narahari Bairagi.